Sunday, 13 May 2012

who knows? not me...

the man who sold the world, nirvana. mtv unplugged 1994

i would sacrifice body parts to have been there. david covered by kurt? best unplugged moment EVER...but that's just my opinion...x

Thursday, 3 May 2012

tom hardy appreciation club invites you...

to a massive perving sesh. fell in love with this dude when he was in wuthering heights playing wild bastard heathcliff (i'm sure a more conservative character review can be found elsewhere, but this is kurtcouture ya know). then things just got BETTER. a young whippersnapper in band of brothers, bronson (errr, slightly more brutal appearance, but still hot!), itv drama the take, inception, rocknrolla, the warrior...and i think we can all look forward to his portrayal of bane in the next batman movie. i just wee'd a bit.

so i've been a bit down in the dumps lately - cue tiny violin, i know - but when i got home last night i found kate moss sitting on my doorstep. well, it was actually the june issue of vogue but big diff. so i saw a silver lining. and on opening the magazine the first face i saw was hardy's. and the silver lining became platinum!

i realised it had been a while since i'd google image stalked him, so here i am now, at work, listening to voicemail after voicemail and cramming in a little tom casing woop woop!

without sounding like a 14 year old, there are loads of new totes amaze fit pictures on the internet now, get the fuck in! so i thought i'd share them. beauty personified. just need to get rid of that pesky riley gal!

a face like this is too good not to make the kurtcouture cut...but that's just my opinion...x

oooh shower scene!

looking fresh.
i wish i was that marlboro.
this was the image that graced my weepy eyes last night, it turned that frown upside down! cute pooch too. vogue uk june 2012