Sunday 29 May 2011

i'm in love with juda-as...

...the new song by crazy lady gaga. well, second to new, but i'm yet to be won over by her latest track 'edge of glory'. i've always kind of liked gaga. not loved, but ya know, liked. i don't think i really knew what to make of her and i'm not so up-to-date with popular music these days (this is a grunge-inspired blog case ya hadn't noticed) but i thought she deserved a mention now that her latest album has come to my attention. i've recently become a subscriber to spotify and decided after hearing 'judas' to give the album 'born this way' a whirl. and ya know what? i liked it. not loved, liked. allow me to ellaborate...

i still stand by the FACT that the first release 'born this way' sounds veeeeeeery much like madonna's classic eighties t00n 'express yourself'. however having listened to the album in its entireity this is definitely not a bad thing. the influence is not meant to be subtle, it's blatantly obvious, making it perfectly acceptable if you ask me! it seems gaga is taking the controversy further (if you GET more controversial than a meat dress) in the manner of madge in her 'like a prayer' wonder days. example? track names such as the aforementioned 'judas', 'bloody mary' and 'electric chapel' have obvious religious references. madonna infamously landed herself in hot water in the eighties for her "blasphemous" burning of the crosses and african-american jesus in the video for 'like a prayer'. however i think the new queen of pop (oooh is it too soon to crown her with that??) will escape judgement this time, it's a whole new era now and despite living in a nanny-state politically correct keraaaaaazy society i think a catchy tune is considered much more important than upsetting Him upstairs. also, and perhaps most crucial, she can dance like a motherfucker. but that's just my opinion...x

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